ESEC/FSE 2018 (series) / Felipe R. Monteiro

Registered user since Fri 10 Aug 2018
Name:Felipe R. Monteiro
Felipe R. Monteiro is currently a Software Engineer at the Eldorado Institute and is pursuing an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). He earned his bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from UFAM and he was awarded the Science without Borders scholarship, which has sponsored his studies in the Computer Science course at the Goldsmiths University of London, in 2013-2014. He has worked on many research and development (R&D) projects and his main experiences are in formal verification, model checking, and software engineering.
Affiliation:Federal University of Amazonas
Personal website:
Research interests:Software Engineering, Model Checking, Formal Methods, Verification
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