Day Date Events
Sunday Nov. 4 NL4SE and EnSEmble workshops
Monday Nov. 5 JPF, A-TEST, and SWAN workshops, doctoral symposium
Tuesday Nov. 6 Main conference (keynote, research papers, journal-first, NIER, industry, SRC), Town Hall Meeting, Reception
Wednesday Nov. 7 Main conference (keynote, research papers, journal-first, NIER, industry, SRC, ROSE), Banquet
Thursday Nov. 8 Main conference (keynote, research papers, journal-first)
Friday Nov. 9 WASPI workshop

See the session timeline for a more detailed overview of the conference’s sessions. Also see the complete program online for a program you can personalize to your own preferences and all the details. You can also get a PDF of the complete program, if you can’t wait for your copy that you will receive at registration.