Registered user since Fri 6 May 2016
Ferhat Erata is the co-founder of tech start-up, UNIT Information Technologies R&D Ltd. He holds two bachelor’s degrees in industrial engineering and computer engineering. He received a master’s degree in information technologies from Ege University, Turkey in 2010. Since 2008, he’s been involving as a software engineer and researcher in various R&D projects which mainly apply model-based software engineering and lightweight formal methods to industry. He’s also an external researcher in Information Technology group at the Wageningen University, The Netherlands since 2016. His research interests include finite model finding, formal languages (esp. relational logic), decision procedures, propositional satisfiability (SAT), satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), software language engineering, and high-performance applications of automated reasoning to software engineering and program analysis.
Ferhat has been taking part in the COST (European Cooperation on Science and Technology) action IC1404 Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-physical Systems as a management committee member since 2014. Multi-paradigm Modelling (MPM) proposes to model every part and aspect of a system explicitly, at the most appropriate level(s) of abstraction, using the most appropriate modelling formalism(s). In this working group, he mainly focuses on the role of formal methods to reason about semantically heterogeneous models and explore the design space effectively. Furthermore, I am also management committee member of the COST Action IC1402 Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring. My main motivation for being involved in the action is to focus on the interplay between runtime verification and finite model finding for contract-driven effective data structure repairing for runtime error recovery and reducing the runtime verification overhead.
Ferhat is the Turkish cluster coordinator of ITEA-ASSUME project consortium. For efficient construction and synthesis of safe and secure highly autonomous systems, the project aims to provide new tools, standards and methodology to enable the effective use of formal verification, static analysis and synthesis technology along the system design flow. In the frame of this project, he has been designing a formal specification language to reason about domain specific languages in model-driven architecture.
Furthermore, he was the project leader of an ITEA (Information Technology for European Advancement) labelled, industry-driven R&D project, ITEA-ModelWriter, which aims to synchronize arbitrary software and system engineering artefacts such as specifications, models, and object oriented programs during their lifecycle. Within the scope of ModelWriter project, Tarski Platform has been developed, which introduces a novel approach to dynamically configure the key semantic relationships among parts of artifacts in first-order relational logic in order to provide automated reasoning support for traceability.
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